A report by Stephen Harris and colleagues at the University of Bristol concluded that culling greys to save reds is neither viable nor economic. Nobody seriously believes that the grey squirrel could be exterminated in the UK. How many dead greys is a live red worth? The success of this sustained massacre is debatable. The killing is “humane” – but how free of pain and suffering is it for the squirrels? We poison them. In response, what we do, is kill them by the tens of thousands, year after year.
They do what they do which is to be grey squirrels. Neither do they have any control over the pox that they carry. How would we feel if we were to trap, poison and shoot the red squirrel? Greys did not come over here of their own accord and did not ask to be introduced. Jason Gilchrist/The grey squirrel is not so different from the red.
Watch out! The grey squirrel is under attack.